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Have a story suggestion for us? Send us a tip!
We are more than open to find out about your local or global hint that may become a story!

It may be the story about your passion for a car, or anything related to it, it maybe a story happening around you, of which you have discovered and think it is worth knowing. We will gladly chat with you, find more details and fact check and it may become a story on TimelessDriving. And since we are Timeless, your tip can even relate to a past automotive event that would be fascinating to remember.

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One simple thing to remember is that we do not accept commercial and sponsored posts, or getting paid to have an opinion. We are sincere and transparent to our community of readers and never say something we do not truly believe in. So in deciding to publish something we are guided by the question if it would be truly interesting and valuable to our audience.

The same principle also reffers to any media launch or press event invitation. We may accept that invitation if the subject is valuable for our audience, but you as a manufacturer or company should be aware that we are not paid influencers to endorse everyting, that we may go deep in engineering or history and have an authentic opinion we believe in, even if it may criticize you. We love unique stories, we love unique perspectives, and we are trully convinced only sinncere communication is suitable on TimelessDriving.
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